May 31, 2008

It's important.

For the past couple months I have not had the words to write or the thought to even know what to say. My mind is blocked for some unexcused reason, maybe i am trying/thinking to hard? However, that is my excuse for not writing a blog in so long.

Although my words above explain myself, I do however have a few thoughts to write about at the present moment. 

Trust is something that is of great value, am I right? Break it, and thats it. The dictionary defines trust as an assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something. Wow... character and strength? Back in grade school trust meant, being able to trust your best friend to hold onto and watch your candy while you went to the bathroom and knowing that it would all be there when you got back. We didn't base it on all of those things, we just knew that we could trust our best friend and everything would be okay. 

Over the past couple of years I have had to learn a lot about trust, being able to trust others and gaining the trust of those around me. Sometimes it has been challenging, other times it may be simple, but in the end it is always rewarding to know that you can trust someone. When Chad and I started dating, of course I had suspicions... if there were ever any other girls I didn't know about, or if he did anything that he wasn't telling me. But as our relationship grew, so did our love and trust, it kept growing and now I trust him with everything I have, even my life.

I have also noticed that there is another kind of trust that happens at the drop of a hat. When you have those random moments with a stranger and you ask them to watch something for you so you can go to the restroom and you come back and everything is still there. Then there are those times when a customer comes up to ask for your pen and says "I will bring it back", and I automatically respond, "its okay I trust you." 

Trust is bendable, it can be flipped around and eventually it can be broken. All of our relationships are based on the trust that we have with one another. If it is broken, it takes some mending to repair and with a big fat band-aid, sometimes it can be resolved. However, don't risk it with the people you love and care about the most. For those are the ones that will be there for you through anything.

Learn to trust people and let people know that they can trust you.
For trust is built on strength, character, ability, and most importantly, truth.


Chadly said...

very nice post
it was perfect :)
i'm glad you trust me joy!
i trust you!

WICK said...

'bout time.
I trust we won't have to wait another year for the next blog post? :)

May God reward your trusting...

Marsha said...

WOW Girl,
YOU are a writer!! Very nicely written. I loved it.
Thank you,