March 18, 2008

6:01 p.m.

This is the exact time that mary and my fight will leave out of bloomington. We will then arrive in Atlanta around 8:40 p.m. where we will sit around for a good while, then we will catch out next flight at 10:59 p.m. From there we will land in Tampa at apporixmately 12:20 a.m. where we will be greeted by our brother!

Now except for the fact that it will be quite a journey that my sister and I will be doing together, by ourselves for the first time. It will also be the longest chad and i have been apart since we have been together. This is going to the be hardest thing for me, instead of being homesick i will become chadsick. haha. No, but really...since we have been dating we have only been apart for one day! Even though this is going to be extremely hard for both of us, i know that in some way it will be good for us.

Well, time to finish packing and amping myself up for my first plane adventure.
See you guys in a week!!!

1 comment:

WICK said...

puke puke puke. hehe.

have fun in Florida....don't feed the alligators.

enjoy your chad-less time. sarah is stuck with me every day now...forever. (that's a long time)

absence makes stuff grow, or somethin