I got tagged today... to do what you may ask? Well, I must list six unspectacular quirks of mine and then in return tag six others to do the same, so here goes nothing!
Six unspectacular quirks of mine…
1. It drives me insane whenever someone I am eating next to takes a bite of their food and chews on that same bite for like eternity it seems! Then finally swallows, and yet again… continues to do the same thing. (they most likely do not realize they are doing it)
2. When I sleep I have to turn the fan on every, single night. Even during the winter and it is 30 below zero outside, and feels like it is in my room the fan MUST be on (I believe it is the sound of the fan, more then the actual breeze it produces)!
3. If I have a missed call on my phone and I check who it was and I do not know the number, I will not call them back just to find out who it was. If they did not leave a voicemail, then it was either the wrong number or what they needed was not that important. However, if they call back and I have the phone on me, I will answer it… most of the time.
4. Whenever I write, I can not plan it out before hand. Almost 98% of the time I write something, it is straight from the heart, or something that has been on my mind for awhile. I get inspired by almost anything… movies, songs, strangers, experiences, and even fights (my last blog post was actually inspired by one…bet you couldn‘t tell). And when i get inspired to write, words just come out without even trying.
5. I am a photographer, I love taking pictures… of anything! And when I do take them, I never think about what I am going to take before I shoot the picture. Just like when I write, about 98% of all my photos are never planned out, its more like… I see something, then instantly take the picture. I do not think about composition, its almost like I do not have to think about it… just sorta happens.
6. Going along with the theme of not planning, Chad just reminded me that I also never plan with I argue or when I have to talk about something important… I just kind of blurt it out (which leads to emotions being spewed out and crying in the end). And about 89% of the time, it does not get anything accomplished.
So there you have it! Six unspectacular quirks! The end result... seems like I am not a very good planner. lol I am now suppose to tag six other people to do the same, however I do not know of six people to tag on here, so instead I am going to take four.
The lucky people who are being tagged:
1. Chadwick
2. Sarah
3. Brooke (never gets on!)
4. Ben (must be a husband, wife thing lol)
1 comment:
pssh...k, I'll do this tomorrow.
on a side note: you probably need to spend more time chewing yourself. Enjoy the food you eat.
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