There are certain things that I have come to find where I cannot change how I feel about them. Such as my religion, my family, the man i love, my music taste, and others that I can neither state or simply just cannot think of. I mean, isn't that how we determine who we are? It's not like we pick and choose things based on what other people want from us or what we think other people would want from us, that is not truly you. When you find out who you are, YOU take the stands, YOU determine how you feel about certain issues and your decisions may be influenced by someone you respect and love, but in the end it is YOU who is making the decisions and choices. The things that you truly believe in and love will help determine who you are as a person.
I have been raised in a christian church ever since I was a little girl, and I have always believed in God. My family has always had a strong faith in God for everything, so as I was growing up of course i adapted to that and started to follow him on my own. There is nothing that can make me change what I believe in, I have faith. There are several people you will meet along the way through out your life that will help you define you who are. Some people you will not realize, and others will make a great impact on you. Your family is the biggest support group you have, there are several things that you are influenced by them, and many things your mom throws at you, you may not agree with... but she means well, I promise.
Love is a powerful and meaningful word and when you can truly speak out the words, "I Love You" to someone and mean it with every ounce in your body, thats joy, pure joy. I have come to realize, that when you love someone it does not matter what other people think or say. Whether it be family that you love or a boyfriend/girlfriend, what other people do does not, or should not reflect on your relationships with the ones you love. Think about the consequences before you take big leaps. If it will in some way hurt or upset someone you love, is it really worth it? Love is everything, it is the bind that keeps all our lives together, the one thing that two total strangers can have in common and know it the moment they smile.
You cannot live without love. You cannot truly live, until you discover yourself.
So go ahead... Live and Love.
I dare ya. :)
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oh yeah?
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