January 18, 2008


As the past year have flown by, it has not only been one of the greatest i have ever come to know but also one of struggle. A struggle with friendship. Many of my friends that i had in high school changed drastically as soon as they got out. So i began to not hang out with them, because of the choices they were making and the things they were doing. That began a snowball effect to where i am today...pretty much friendless. However i am not saying i do not have many great friends now, i have met so many other friends and family through chad, and chad is ultimately my best friend. Though, when i am not with him its just me and it has been like this for well over half a year. Chad and I have talked about this several times and he has willing let me cry on his shoulder. I pray about it a lot, I am putting it all in God's hands. Its just hard and a great struggle that I am trying to climb the bearer of.

1 comment:

WICK said...

we got a lot of post high, and soon to be post high females here. check us out , yo. a bunch of 'em get together on Sunday nights.